
© D-Town Underground ®

D-Town Underground is a organization dedicated to the
Preservation of Detroit's Scene and Culture. We unite the children of
Detroit and bring them Together as a whole to offer every Resource Possible.
Taking this Scene to the highest aspect, Incorporating Art, Dance, Music, News and More.
Our Organization is for the Kids By the Kids to give this city "The home of Techno" what it deserves.

D-Town's Goalz:
Here at D-Town Underground our Main Goal is to offer Those who participate in the Detroit Electronic Scene,
A Place to meet online, Exchange idea's and information and become informed about what is happening in Detroit's Electronic Culture. We offer Chat & Forums for this pupas alone. We hope to become involved with all Events thrown in Detroit and with those who hold events. Maintaining a respect for all those in Detroit who hold Clean, Safe, Enjoyable events. D-Town has many other goals we wish to achieve in the near future. Here is a list of the many ideas and dreams of D-Town Underground.

1. D-Town Awards & Certificates:
These are Awards and Certificates given to those who Throw the phattest events, The cleanest Events and The safest events. To Sites that do our culture Good or help promote good Detroit vibe. To some of Detroit's best DJ's, Breakers, Dancers and Mc's. We offer these as a Big Thank You for Keeping it Real and Being one of the Best our Scene and Culture has to offer.

2. D-Town Meeting and Conferences:
Meetings and Conferences held for all of our Members. Featuring DJ's & Artists, Food & Drink, Contests and
Give-Aways. Basically Phat D-Town Events, But there not Partys. Just Hella-Phun!

3. The D-Town Underground Newz Letter:
This is a Letter made by D-Town Members for D-Town Members.
Containing everything our members would like to be briefed on. Hopefully sent out monthly.

4. D-Town Radio:
Web Radio from D-Town Underground. Giving our members phat tracks to listen to, On and Off the site.
Stations for every type of electronic music along with News Broadcasts about Detroit's Scene.

5. D-Town Gear & Accessories:
Gear, Toyz, Items and Goodies all made by the D-Town Underground.
Along with a list of Links and Pics of and to the phattest gear found in Detroit or on the Internet.

6. D-Town Music:
We wish to bring all the music and information to you. Meaning,
D-Town wants the following in our Music section for our Members.

1. D-Town Artist Profilez:
Profilez of Every DJ, Live P.A., Artist or Such in Detroit.
Including Pics, Info, Links and Track for our Members.

2. D-Town Radio,Media and More.

3. Listings and links to every form of Electronic Broadcast on the Internet or Our Area.

4. Listings and Links of every Electronic Outlet on The web or in Our Area.

5. Information every Electronic Artist or want to be Artist should know.

This and more we hope to present to all with the help of Members from D-Town Underground.

7. D-Town Dance:
A huge resource dedicated to all of the differant styles of
dance associated with Detroit's electronic culture. Including history, how to's and more.

8. D-Town Flyer Archive:
The Phatest archive of Detroit Flyers you will and can find Anywhere.
Going all the way back to when Events where first thrown in Detroit!

9. Education For the Masses:
D-Town Underground wishes to Educate all of its Members on any
And all things related to our culture and scene. This means education on all of the following:

1. The History of Electronic Music

2. The History of Electronic Events

3. The History of Detroit Techno & Electronic Music

4. The History of Detroit's Electronic Scene

5. The History of Every Type of Electronic Music:
....Techno, Electronic, Trance, House, Trip-Hop, Jungle, D&B, Ambient, Experimental,
....Acid Jazz, Garage, Gao, Progressive, Hard, Industrial, Break-Beat, Tribal, Electronica and More.

6. Examples and Definitions of Every Type of Electronic Music:
....Techno, Electronic, Trance, House, Trip-Hop, Jungle, D&B, Ambient, Experimental,
....Acid Jazz, Garage, Gao, Progressive, Hard, Industrial, Break-Beat, Tribal, Electronica and More.

7. How to Become a DJ

8. How to Compose Electronic Music

9. How to Work Live P.A.

10. What is Bass

11. Bass-ic Sound

..... And More.


10. The Largest Resource on the Internet for Detroit's Electronic Culture:
We here at D-Town Underground hope to offer Every Resource possible to keep our Members Informed and Educated about the Electronic Culture and Underground. Bringing the people who Love and Celebrate
Electronic music, Together. To improve there Knowledge and Outlook.


These and more are the many Dreams and Goalz of D-Town Underground.
With members working together to unity our unique culture, These Dreams can come true.
It is the hopes of D-Town Underground to offer Detroit a infinite resource of information.

The History of D-Town Underground:
D-Town Underground was Created by Wes Henderson,"Wes Nesman" In late 1998. After being a member of Detroit's Electronic Culture for almost 2 years, Wes wanted to contribute to this ever growing scene.
He found that there was very little on the Internet regarding Detroit's Unique Culture.

After being a member of the e-mail list known as PKU, Wes seen allot of Drama, and very little contribution. Everyone seemed to complain about all that was wrong with our culture, Yet no-one wanted to do anything about it. So Wes got to work, Using his WebMaster skillz, Wes began to build D-Town Underground. In the first 6 months of his project Wes had already accumulated over 100 Members. Everyone was interested in making a difference and so the project continued.

Wes came across many conflicts and problems during the birth of D-Town Underground. Having a lack of funds was one of the largest difficulties. But using what he had Wes put together a simple site of idea's. As more people became interested with D-Town Underground Wes teamed up with Matt,("DOC") To put together a even better D-Town.
After much work Wes and Matt built the stepping stones to begin this organization.

Unfortunately Matt had obligations to attend to and so d-town took a small dive. D-Town Underground was shut down for a short period of time. This loss however did not stop Wes from accomplishing his dream, and so he pressed on. After much time and work a New D-Town took Form. With the help of Tao-Groove & Mark: Designer of Tha 3D D-Town Underground "D". D-Town put together a long awaited Site.

Forming the New "As you see it today" D-Town Underground.
Wes's Dream took form and is growing every day. As we now have Tha D-Town Underground.

CopyRight Information:
D-Town Underground Owns All Rights to the Following,

1. The Name "D-Town Underground".

2. All Logo's and Animation's using D-Town's Unique "D".

3. The D-Town Underground Concept and Idea.

4. The D-Town Underground Web Site.

5. All Gear & Items/Products made by D-Town Underground

Any Use or Copies of what is stated above will result in a trip to Court, Following Fines and/or Possible Arrest.
So please Don't try to be Us. We are here as a resource, to those who use us. Not to be copied or imitated.

Logo and Banner Use:
All Members of D-Town Underground have the Right to use the following Logo's & Banners
On any of there Sites, Flyers and E-Mails without Permission from D-Town Underground.





Any other Use by Non-Members or Members must be Certified by D-Town Underground.
Please be sure to always link to us when using this image. We all need to spread some D-Town Love!

Other Images Used on D-Town Underground:
Other images used on D-Town Underground such as Jap Animation, Dragon Ball Z Characters, Photo's and Known Web Animation's, Are not CopyRighted under D-Town Underground. These images are for Member Enjoyment Purposes Only. In no way will D-Town benefit financially from the direct use of these images.

There you have all our wonderful information. Thank you for visiting D-Town Underground.
If you have any questions or comments please feel free to send us some e-mail at
<( D-TownUnderground@hotmail.com )>

© D-Town Underground ®